Non-Chord Tones

This week we are talking about Non-Chord Tones. These are notes that do not fit into the harmonic structure at the time of their occurrence.

Non-Chord Tones:
Passing Tone- Approached by step, left by step in same direction
Neighbor Tone- Approached by step, left by step in opposite direction
Suspension- Prepared by same note, resolved be step up
Retardation- Prepared by same note, left by step up

We measure suspensions by the distance from bass to the suspension. Common suspensions include:
2-3 (Suspension in the bass)

Non-Chord Tones (continued):
Appoggiatura- Approached by leap, left by step (usually ascending leap and descending step)
Escape Tone- Approached by step, left by leap in the opposite direction 
Neighbor Group- App + ET (highlights both neighbor tones)
Anticipation- One arrives at a chord tone of the anticipated chord before the rest
Pedal Point- The bass stays the same while the upper voices move to other chords, and then return back to the original chord

We will continue to analyze the use of these NCTs in classical examples, and will also continue to sing Bach Chorales using movable Do solfege.