Thursday, March 21, 2023

Come and join the CMS Choir for our High School Concert ""Opening Up!: Songs of Stage and Screen"" on Thursday, March 21st at 7:00pm. High School Choir students will be singing songs from movies and musicals along with student soloists.

High School is playing a day long game of "Rock Paper Scissors" today.  Click here to view the video about the activity.

High School is playing Capture the Flag for the Spring Spirit Day activity. Teams are formed with 5 boys and 5 girls from each grade. IF there is enough interest, we will have 2 teams per grade. If you want to be on a team, see your class representative, the student council website, or Dr. Hines in the library for a permission form. Forms need to be turned in AS A TEAM by Thursday, March 21st to your class rep. or Dr. Hines.

Prom tickets MUST be purchased this week. They are $70 each and will be on sale through GoFan or in the cafeteria during C and D lunches this week. The LAST DAY to purchase a ticket will be Thursday. If you purchase on GoFan, you must pick up a physical ticket in the cafeteria. Please don't miss out!

Anime Club is excited to announce its first Naruto Run Race on the day of Pig Out. There will be one race for 6-8th graders and one for 9-12th graders. The deadline to turn in money and permission forms has been extended to the day of Pig Out. Students, the cost to compete is $2 for the chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card or anime loot for 2nd and 3rd place runners. So get a big group together and race with your friends. Please stop by Ms. Andrews's room (Rm 114) to pick up a permission form.

The winner of the After Prom 100 GOLDEN TICKETS drawing for a $25 Hattie Jane's gift card is CMS Junior Celeste Dieringer! Thanks to the more than 100 students who have already paid and registered for CMAP!  If you don't have your ticket yet, complete your online registration by midnight Thursday night to avoid long lines for your ticket at Pig Out, AND for your chance at another CMAP prize drawing! The link to register can be found on the Prom Information page on the CMS website.

Attention students:  We will be opening concessions today, 3/21, for everyone. Lots of sodas, hot dogs, nachos, pretzels, and candy to sell!

Attention current freshmen! Counselors will wrap up scheduling for your class THIS week. If you have not scheduled a time to meet with your counselor, please do that TODAY!

Attention All Students:    We will have Reading Rooms available during Friday’s Spirit Day activities for students who prefer to spend their day in a quieter atmosphere, away from the noise and crowds.  To be in a Reading Room, just sign up in advance in Flex.  If you need help securing a pass, see Ms. Dixon. Keep in mind that with the exception of going to the restroom, students who sign up for a Reading Room are to remain there until the next activity.

Yesterday's Dress-Up Participation Totals are as follows:

For the Middle School...

6th grade - 29%

8th grade - 49%

7th grade earned first place with 71% participation!

For the High School, participation percentages were not calculated due to yesterday's Thesis Defense.

HS Cheer will sell smoothies at lunch on Friday.