Daniel Rundberg » AP Macroeconomics

AP Macroeconomics

Need help with Macro? Email Mr. Rundberg to set up a time or come by during Central Time or 5th or 6th Blocks!
I'm happy to help!
Course Description
AP Macroeconomics is the study of economics at a national scale. In the class we will study how national economies change and how we measure changes in indicators like inflation, unemployment, and economic output. In the course, students will examine how economic happenings cause recession or inflation, rises and falls in unemployment, and what it all means for you! We also examine how the Government and the Federal Reserve attempt to correct economic problems and what those corrections mean for the economy and you!
This is super interesting course that outlines for students the foundations of a national economy and what changes in the economy mean for them!
Course Goal
The goal of the course is to foster understanding about the economy as a whole in students. I like to say that this is a part of the "Adulting 101" curriculum given how much of this material applies directly to students' experience in an economy.
Another main goal of this course is to prepare students for the AP examination in early May as well as to fulfill Tennessee State Requirements for Graduation.
  • Macro can be a difficult class due to the many new and complicated topics in the course. Students needing extra help should come see Mr. Rundberg for extra resources and extra help!
All of Mr. Rundberg's Classroom Presentations are copied onto your class' Microsoft Teams Page. Look under the 'Files' Tab at the top of the main page or in the "Classroom" tab to the left of the screen!
Students! Be sure to regularly check your grades on Skyward and read comments left on them!