Online Resources

Hello everyone. Here is a list of great online resources that you can use to continue your work to prepare for the online AP Test
For the week of 5/18, please log on to AP Classroom and take the quiz called "5/18 Written Assignment". This quiz consists of 2 FRQs that are in line with the FIRST question on the upcoming AP exam (make sure you watch my update video to get the lowdown on the released exam information)
    • One question is a realization of a figured bass. You should print the example out OR set it up on your own staff paper. When you have completed it, scan it or take a picture of it and send it to me for feedback. 
    • One question is a realization of a set of Roman Numerals. You should print the example out OR set it up on your own staff paper. When you have completed it, scan it or take a picture of it and send it to me for feedback. 
    • Both assignments close on the AP Portal at 11:45 pm on Sunday so make sure you have gotten the information pulled and realized by then.
For the week of 5/18, there will be THREE singing examples you can access through your AP Classroom portal and recorded on Flipgrid. I have included extra singing practice because a lot of you have let me know that is the area you feel the most uncomfortable, and have requested extra examples. These three questions will be in line with the SECOND question on the upcoming AP exam (make sure you watch my update video to get the lowdown on released exam information).
  • One question will be a sight-singing example in major. I am going to ask that you take 90 seconds to look it over, and then record your response using Flipgrid. No one will be able to see your response but me, and I will only be providing feedback.
  • Two questions will be  a sight-singing examples in minor. I am going to ask that you take 90 seconds to look them over, and then record your response using Flipgrid. No one will be able to see your response but me, and I will only be providing feedback.
For the week of May 18th, you need to make sure that you have used their practice exam on the device you plan to use for the test. I can't recommend doing this practice test enough. If you did it last week, I think it would be wise to do it again this week to get a lot of practice on the platform. Our goal is for you to be able to worry about answering the questions without having to stress about uploading your answers when the time comes. Also, make sure you AP info is up to date, as they will be emailing you your e-Ticket for the test.
4. AP Live Stream Classes-
  •  Hopefully all of you received my email about the free live stream class that AP offered yesterday on Secondary Dominant Use. AP has indicated that there will be more of these classes offered later on, and I will be posting the weblink and schedule for those when they are announced.
5. Review books-
  •  Some of you have emailed me and let me know that you have a review book for the test, and have asked the best way to utilize those.  Since we all might be using different written resources that we are using (including review books, AP lessons, and our textbook), I want to give a general game plan for using resources to sharpen our skills for the test.  While AP has not yet let us know what they will be removing from the test under the "only the first 75%" directive they have announced, I don't think that we will need to use any skills taught LATER in the book than we have gone. Therefore, these resources should be used to reinforce concepts we have already covered. I think the best way to do this is to go unit by unit, and answer a question or two to make sure that we remember how the concepts work. If you find yourself having trouble remembering a certain subject, or find that the answers you are coming to are incorrect, I would suggest re-reading the instructional section the question came from and trying again. Also please take note of things that you struggle with, and send me an email letting me know.  I will be working on a few online lectures on concepts you all let me know you would for me to revisit.