Tuesday, October 29, 2019

College Corner will host Bellermine today during C/D lunch. Stop by for a visit and learn more!
If you are interested in competing on the math team, permission slips are due by October 31st. Also, any math team member that is interested in competing on the math bowl team too, there will be a 30 minute practice session on Wednesday after school. This includes math team members in Integrated 1 and up.
Mu Alpha Theta offers Math tutoring after school on Wednesdays from 3-4 in Rm 116. You do not have to make an appointment. Please drop by if you need any help.
MTSU Holocaust Studies Program is having an event, Monday, October 30th at the James Union Building/Tennessee Room. The time of the program is 2:30pm to 3:45pm. For more information, contact [email protected].
Our Project LIT titles for this quarter will be The Opposite of Always for high school and Look Both Ways for 8th grade. Come by the library to sign up to join us!
CMS HOSA Week is next week and we have approved dress up days! Monday - Medical Monday (scrubs/lab coat), Tuesday - crazy sock day (Sock it to Pediatric Cancer), Wednesday Wear RED for Blood Donor awareness & it's our Blood Drive Vampire themed, Thursday will be Halloween dress up (school dress code applies, no masks, weapons), Friday is HOSA Day wear Navy/Maroon or an old HOSA shirt!
Attention members of the National Spanish Honor Society - The Induction Ceremony for new members will take place Wedneday, Nov 6th at 6pm. Formal Invitations will be coming soon, but please go ahead and place on your calendar. Gracias!
The blood drive will be Wednesday, October 30 from 730 to 1 you can go to CMS homepage or a HOSA page and click the link to sign up if you are 16 years of age you need a parent permission form and you can see Miss Gates for that or go to the Red Cross website.
Key Club is still trick-or-treating for Unicef. Please, keep helping your fellow classmates raise money to help kids around the world. If you're in Key Club, remember, that your boxes are due this Friday, November 1st.
Reminder: If you are going to take an AP test you must pay for the test before Oct 31. Please bring registration form and payment to the attendance office.
Seniors: The TN Promise application deadline is November 1. See your counselor for more information.
Service opportunity for all CM students. Barnes and Noble of Murfreesboro needs help with their Toys for Tots Holiday Kick off on November 2, that's this Saturday. They are super excited to help over 17,000 children in Middle Tennessee have a brighter Christmas this year and would love our young people to help. For full details, see Coach Nichols' Advisory website or see him at some point this week.
The 2nd Annual Central Magnet Baseball Bowling Scramble will be Saturday, November 9. There will be a table set up this Friday, near the cafeteria, to sign up your team and place an order for an event t-shirt. The cost for each person to bowl for two hours is $25. Put a team of 6 together , bring your $25, and get signed up! Don’t forget there will be prizes for best team name and best team shirts.