CMS high school students will take a variety of standardized test during their middle and high school career. The state tests will be administered during school in the spring. High school juniors will also take the ACT at school in the spring. High school students who are in AP courses have the option of taking the exam for college credit on the designated testing day in May and will register at CMS to take the exam. The SAT and ACT are required for college admissions, these are given only on Saturdays at area schools and students must register for those through the company's website. Students will need the CMS CEEB code to register for any SAT or ACT exam: 431609. Students must bring their admission ticket and a photo ID to the test.
Students that are taking AP classes that want to take the exam for college credit will need to pay for the exam in the fall. Registration for the 2025 AP exams will begin on September 9 and will end November 1, 2024 (Spring semester courses will register in January when those classes begin). Late payments will not be accepted due to the College Board ordering deadlines. The cost of each exam is $99, except Research & Seminar which is $147. Students will take their registration form and check or cash to the Attendance office during school hours. If your student is currently receiving Free or Reduced lunch, the fee is paid by the state. We do need those students to complete a form in the attendance office to order the test.
There is also an easy online payment option for credit cards. The online payment price is $103 and $153 for Research & Seminar. You will need to create an account and must select the correct exams your child will be taking. Here is the link and this will open September 9:
Testing Links
Testing Documents