Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The dress up days for HS and MS are as follows: Monday- Camo Day, Tuesday- Summer Day (MS) or Tacky Tourist (HS); Wednesday- Twin Day; Thursday- Frat Day; Friday- Black and Gold (MS), Class Colors (HS).
If you are interested in participating in Youth In Government this Spring, you can register through January 29th. The conference will be February 25-28th with all sessions being held virtually. Please sign up for Remind, using the code YIGMUN21. If you have any questions you can see: Jake Harris, Comfort Markwei, Mr. Brooks, or Mrs. Miller.
The American Legion Girls State is a citizenship program offered to Junior girls. It is one of the most highly regarded programs in the nation. Any Junior girl who is interested in attending Girls State this year, needs to see Mrs. Gerhart in Guidance. A resume and essay will need to be complete by February 22nd. Please see or email Mrs. Gerhart for more details.
Key Club members, don't forget your mandatory club dues of $35 are due this Friday, January 29th.
Invitations for National Honor Society were e-mailed to eligible students last week. Juniors and Seniors interested in applying for NHS should fill out the linked form by Friday of this week.
Reminder SPANISH Students! Ms. Pinson needs to know by THURSDAY, Jan 28th if you plan on taking the National Spanish Exam. There will be no late sign ups! Please email her your name, level of Spanish, teacher, and grade level by then. Thanks!!