Friday, April 21, 2023

Attention rising 8th and 12th grade students. We are searching for new mentors for the 2023-2024 school year. 8th grade students will mentor 6th grade students and seniors will mentor 9th grade students. Mentors are in good academic and behavior standing here at Central Magnet. Our mentors are model students. If you are interested in being a mentor next year, please visit the mentoring website and complete the form expressing your interest. Stop by to see Mr. Nichols if you have any questions. 

Attention students:  We will be opening concessions Thursday 4/27 after testing is complete.  Plan now!  Lots of sodas and candy to sell! 

The high school theatre one acts are Friday, April 28 @ 6pm in our CMS auditorium. Our senior, theatre 4 students have been working hard all year to write and direct their own original one act plays that are cast from our other high school theatre students. Please make sure to come out and see this one-time performance! Admission is FREE. Hope to see you there!! 

HS Cheer will sell smoothies today!