The Writing Lab is accepting applications for peer tutors for next year. Applications are open to rising juniors and seniors who enjoy writing and helping other students. Applications can be found in your English teachers' classrooms or in Mrs. Eubanks's room (104). You must apply no later than February 7th to be considered. Swing by to grab an application or ask any questions!
All regional finalists for the National History Day competition need to make final changes and upload their project by Friday, January 31. Please see Mr. Eldridge if you have any questions.
"Seniors- if you have not ordered your cap, gown and diploma cover for graduation you need to do this by February 10th.
Any student that has not ordered, may order online at If you have any questions, please see Dr. Guthrie."
Attention Rising Juniors & Seniors! If you're interested in joining the National English Honor Society, which focuses on promoting literacy in our community, make sure to apply using the QR codes posted in English classrooms and around the building. Applications are due March 14th! Please seem Mrs. Eubanks in room 104 if you have any questions.
Students, Teachers and Staff: TEACH would like to recognize a teacher or staff member once a month who has done something worth sharing and allowing them to shine. You will find flyers with a QR code around the building on the bulletin boards. Scan it, fill it out and let's start sharing the great things going on at CMS.
If you are interested in more information concerning Scouts, there will be a representative at CMS during club time in the auditorium on Feb. 5. They will share more about hiking, camping, swimming and help connect you with a troop.
Are you an Orthodox Christian or interested in knowing more about the Orthodox Christian religion? OCSM, the Orthodox Coptic School Ministry, will be meeting during C Club Rotation in room 115. In the meeting, we will introduce our club, what we represent, and our future service and club activities, Snacks will be included! Join us for some snacks and games!
DECA is sponsoring a Middle School Valentines Dance on Friday, February 14, 2025 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Admission $10
Tickets will be sold at the door.
Theme: Red and White Night.
Concessions will be sold as well.
Our high school and middle school regional swim teams competed over the weekend in Nashville. The high school team's top finishers included Cameron Conley in the 50 Free, Evie Riley in the 50 Free, and Sara Grace Terrell in the 500 Free.
The middle school meet had an evening finals session after the preliminary rounds. Notable finishes included Lorelai Richardson, who placed 13th in the 200 IM; Gaven Chen, who finished 5th in both the 100 Backstroke and the 50 Free; Max Patel, who took 9th place in the 100 Backstroke; and the boys' 200 Free Relay team, composed of Max Patel, Quinnten Curnes, Judah Faz, and Gaven Chen, which finished 8th overall.
Middle Tennessee hosts some speedy swimmers, making for a highly competitive meet each season. Congratulations to all regional swimmers!
Saturday, the middle school team will participate in the county championship held at Oakland.
HS Cheer will have their final showcase before competing at Nationals this Sunday, February 2nd at Rockvale HS. The showcase begins at 3:30. HS Cheer will perform around 3:38. The entry fee is $5.00. Come out and support HS cheer.
If you were unable to attend the varsity tennis preseason meeting on Tuesday, please see the tennis website for the powerpoint and information on fees, due dates for fees and event sign ups, and more. Sponsor forms and player contracts are available from Coach Angel in 206, or on the website. All forms should be returned to Coach Angel by the due dates listed on the website.
Middle School Boys and Girls: If you are interested in playing middle school golf this spring, please scan the QR code on the golf interest flyers posted in the middle school hallway or see Mrs. Sissom in room 238 this week.
Smoothies will be available for $6.50 on Friday. Please support HS cheer!