The MTSU Foreign Language Department will again be offering College FL Placement Exams here at Central! They will be here on Tuesday, Oct 24th, and the sign up is outside of Ms. pinson's door. This Placement exam helps you know how many classes you could 'test' out of when going to college. First come, first serve, and only open to Junior and Senior Language students currently. See your FL teacher for any additional information.
College Corner will host University of North Alabama, University of Louisville, and Birmingham Southern next week.
Attention middle school science olympiad- we will have a meeting in Ms. Lane's room after school this Thursday, Oct 12 from 3-3:45 pm. Please plan on attending if you wish to be a participant or come see me to make arrangements.
Any middle school students that are lovers of math should come to the Chi Alpha Mu meeting during club time on Thursday, October 12th. Chi Alpha Mu is the Middle School Math Honors Society and if you are interested in hearing more about what we do come to the meeting in Ms.Heller's room, room 238, on Thursday. See you there!
If you are still planning on going to BETA Convention, you need to fill out the Google Form on the BETA Website this week. A nonrefundable $75 convention deposit is due to Mrs. Frazer by Monday October 16th!
ALL new senior BETA Club members need to pay their new-member dues to Mrs. Frazer as soon as possible! Dues are $25.
BETA meets during club rotation this week. Please plan to attend.
Attention all high school students. If you have the desire to one day be a public school teacher, please see Dr. Prince in room 114 by the end of this week to learn about an exciting opportunity that you won't want to miss out on.
Seniors that did not pre-bubble for the ACT before fall break will do so Friday at the beginning of 5th period in the senior cafeteria.
The computer programming club will meet this Friday from 3-4:15pm in Lab 128. We will be electing our new officers for the year. See the club webpage for more information.
All garden club members need to meet in the gym during club time. Be prepared to play in the dirt.
Middle school golf tryouts will be held this Thursday at Bloomfield Links at 3:30. Please see Coach Cato if you have any questions.
There will be a Middle School Track and Field interest meeting for runners and parents on Monday October 16 beginning at 3:30 in Mr. Meadows' class. That room number is 241.
*Lost and Found – Laptop (Acer).