Friday, December 15, 2017

*We are taking our MTSU Dual Enrollment picture next Monday, December 18th at 11:10 am (after you are dismissed from your 3rd-period midterm). Please meet outside on the front steps for the picture.


*Freshman class tee shirts will be on sale Tuesday thru Friday during B, C, and D lunches.  There are $12.00.


*The University of Georgia is holding a summer Vet camp in June for current 10-12 graders.  See the Guidance Summer Opportunities for details. 


*Remember that UNICEF is selling candy cane grams and holiday cookies for a dollar at all lunches every day this week! Send a friend a holiday candy cane treat!


*ALL Pe/Wellness classes will meet in the auditorium today (Friday Dec. 15)


*Computer Club will meet today from 3:00-3:45pm. Please make arrangments to be picked up at 3:45, which is earlier than normal.


*The middle school girls basketball team beat Thurman Francis last night 40-33

Beth Nelson scored 21 points and Kaitlin Polly added 6


*Attention all students:

Please take a few moments today to complete the senior thesis surveys from Wednesday’s advisory session. The link will remain on the school’s main page through the day. We have seniors who could really use your assistance through this process. Faculty members, don’t forget to respond to your surveys as well.