*Today is Club Picture Day for the Yearbook. Your 1st period teacher will have the picture schedule.
*School supplies are being collected to be donated to Port St. Joe Schools. Port St. Joe is a small town on the gulf coast of Florida. When Hurricane Michael hit Port St. Joe it destroyed their town, many residents lost everything.
*Attention high school students! If you want to go to Europe this summer, there will be a parent meeting next Thursday evening, October 25th, at 5:30 in Mr. Cato's classroom. The itinerary includes cities in England, Ireland and Wales. See Coach Kirksey for questions.
**It's that time again! The Middle School Glow Dance will be next Thursday, October 25th, from 6-8:00. Be planning your costumes now. Food, music, prizes, and of course dancing! Dance tickets go on sale today during A and B lunch for $5. Tickets will cost $7 at the door.
*Congratulations to all the singers who completed their Mid-State/Freshman honors auditions over the weekend. Barring any scoring issues, results should be finalized at noon today. Sign up for a conference with Mr. Brenner during C or D Lunch or after school today and tomorrow to receive and discuss your results.
*All PE and wellness will meet in the auditorium today due to club pictures
*Community Service Opportunities:
** Join us Thursday, November 15th to earn service hours by helping run games in classrooms, serving supper, and concluding the silent auction at Wilson Elementary Annual Chili Supper Fun Night/Silent Auction.
Volunteers check in at 4:30pm with Lauren Richardson in the foyer and will be done by 8:00pm. Dinner is provided to the volunteers!!
Please email to confirm your availability no later than November 8th at lrnrichardson@yahoo.com. The Wilson PTO and teachers thank you for the help!
** The Tennessee State Veterans Home is having the Harvest Festival, October 25th, from 5-7pm, and Ms. Jill Wright is needing some assistants to help with the festival while earning community service hours. Please contact Ms. Wright at jwright@tsvh.org if you are interested.
** Whitworth-Buchanan will be having a Fall Festival on November 2nd, from 3:30-7:00pm. If you need community service hours, please go and help. Anytime you can help, they will greatly appreciate it.
** The Central Baseball Bowling Scramble is next Friday, October 26th! The cost to bowl is only $25 and you get an hour and a half to bowl with your friends. The money raised from this event will go to fund the upcoming baseball season. We will have a table set up in the cafeteria this Friday to collect entry fees. Bring a check or cash and sign your team up.