Tuesday, October 23, 2018

*Attention seniors:

The Veterans of Foreign Affairs is once again sponsoring the Voice of Democracy scholarship.  The 2018-2019 theme is "Why My Vote Matters."  Prizes and scholarships can be awarded at the Post, District, state, and national levels.  State winners receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, DC in March.  The top scholarship is worth $30,000.  See Coach Nichols this week if you are interested.  There is a signup sheet on his door.


*School supplies are being collected to be donated to Port St. Joe Schools. Port St. Joe is a small town on the gulf coast of Florida. When Hurricane Michael hit Port St. Joe it destroyed their town, many residents lost everything.


*The parent meeting for the Europe trip this Thursday will now be held in Coach Worsley’s classroom in the annex, room 336 at 5:30. Important: please park in the annex parking lot. There are several events at CMS that night so it is very important that you park and enter through the annex.


*Tuesday, October 23rd, College Corner this week will host Johns Hopkins, University of Louisville, and Mississippi State


*The Central Baseball Bowling Scramble is this Saturday at Lanes, Trains, and Automobiles.  Cost to bowl is $25. First group of bowlers will start at 9:00 am. We will have prizes for best team name, best team shirts, best team score, and lowest team score.  Come out and have some fun as we raise money for our baseball teams.  See you there!