Cayla Sweet » Mrs. Cayla Sweet, Theatre

Mrs. Cayla Sweet, Theatre

Thank you all for another great school year!! Have a good summer!!! :)
”Great theatre is about challenging how to think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to”
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(Twitter feed can also be found in the bottom right of this page)
Twitter- @cmagnet_theatre
For those interested in being inducted into the Junior Thespian Troupe (Middle School) or Thespian Troupe (High School), please pop on over to our OFFICIAL club page by clicking this link---> International Thespian Society Troupe Page CMS
If you have any questions about the Educational Theatre Association please see me or click on the following hyperlink-- >  International Thespian Society Website 
Musical Theatre Club webpage --> Musical Theatre Club
Improv Club webpage -->Improv Club