Pre-Law Syllabus
Pre-Law I
Mr. Eldridge
Introduction to the Course:
Pre-Law I is designed to prepare students to pursue careers in the field of law. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will be able to describe career planning and compliance, foundations of the legal system, organization of the law and public safety system, basic constitutional protections, and types of law. In addition, students will model the professional, moral, and ethical standards required of professionals in the field of law.
Texts of Reference:
United States Constitution, Bill of Rights
Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA)
Units of Study:
Content Covered |
Case Brief |
Week 1 |
Course Outline, Influences of Constitutional Thought |
Marbury v. Madison |
Week 2 |
Foundations of the Legal System |
Tinker v. Des Moines |
Week 3 |
Constitutional Structure & Overview |
New Jersey v. TLO |
Week 4 |
Bill of Rights & Application of Legal Rights |
Miranda v. Arizona |
Week 5 |
Benchmark 1, Crime Project Guidelines |
Mapp v. Ohio |
Week 6 |
Criminal Law & Criminology |
Gideon v. Wainwright |
Week 7 |
Crime Project Presentations |
Katz v. US |
Week 8 |
Civil & Tort Law, TN Rules of Evidence |
Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. US |
Week 9 |
Engel v. Vitale |
Week 10 |
Abnormal Legal Structures |
Goss v. Lopez |
Week 11 |
Immigration Law |
US v. Wong Kim Ark |
Week 12 |
Law School Week |
Multiple Cases |
Week 13 |
Ethics & Legal Careers |
New York Times v. Sullivan |
Week 14 |
Career Project Presentations |
Citizens United v. FEC |
Week 15 |
Benchmark 2, Mock Trial Guidelines |
Terry v. Ohio |
Week 16 |
Mock Trial Discovery, Trial Prep |
Texas v. Johnson |
Week 17 |
--- |
Week 18 |
MOCK TRIAL, Final Exam |
--- |
*****Additional material will be covered relating to current world issues and politics.*****
Teacher Procedures/Expectations:
- You are expected to be in class every day. If you are excessively absent, phone calls/emails home will be made if needed.
- Keep the classroom clean and put classroom supplies back where you found them.
- Please use the restroom during class changes. It is a distraction for you, other students, and the teacher to leave class for the restroom. You will not be able to leave class to go to the restroom unless it is a dire emergency.
- If the teacher has made you aware of a test, which is scheduled on a day you are absent, you have the responsibility to make arrangements the following day before or after school to make the missed test up.
90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D
Below 60% = See me regarding makeup work and tests - but not at the end of the semester!
Benchmark Tests=100 points per test
Weekly Case Briefs=100 points per brief
Projects, Class Participation & Daily Assignments= Grade will vary upon assignment (10-500 points)
Make Up Work:
At the beginning of class on the day you return, you will be expected to turn in any assignments that were collected while you were out. At the end of class, check with me to see what you missed and to pick up handouts, arrange to makeup tests, quizzes, etc. Turn in any missed assignments the next class session. This is your responsibility. Tests and Quizzes will be made up during lunch on the day the teacher assigns.
***A student who has been absent is responsible for all assignments during his or her absence. The assignments should be made up within five days of returning to school.
Classroom Rules
- Be courteous and respectful to those around you. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Be on time to class. Tardiness is very disruptive for you, me, and the other students.
- Bring all needed materials (folder, paper, pen, and assignments) to class every day!
Remind App
I will be using the Remind application for reminders on homework, assessments, projects, upcoming dates, and other pertinent information for the class. If you would like to receive alerts for Pre-Law, via text messages, send a text message to 81010. The message should say @cmsprelaw and that will get you set up.
Pre-Law 2
Mr. Eldridge
Introduction to the Course:
Pre-Law II is the Year 2 course designed to prepare students to pursue careers in the field of law. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will be able to describe the organization of local, national, and state court systems and the legal process, explain the concepts of trials, and differentiate business, labor, and consumer law. In addition, students will model the professional, moral, and ethical standards required of professionals in the field of law.
Texts of Reference:
United States Constitution, Bill of Rights
Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA)
Units of Study:
Content Covered |
Case Brief |
Week 1 |
Course Outline, Review – PreLaw 1, Discovery |
- |
Week 2 |
Steps of a Criminal Trial |
Brady v. Maryland |
Week 3 |
Steps of a Civil Trial |
Escobedo v. Illinois |
Week 4 |
Dual Court System and Jurisdiction, Venue |
Powell v. Alabama |
Week 5 |
Pre-Trial Motions, Benchmark 1 |
- |
Week 6 |
Jury Selections/Voir Dire – Part 1 |
Batson v. Kentucky |
Week 7 |
Jury Selections/Voir Dire – Part 2 (CSI EFFECT) |
J.E.B. v. Alabama |
Week 8 |
Civil & Tort Law, TN Rules of Evidence |
Moran v. Burbine |
Week 9 |
- |
Week 10 |
Types of Evidence |
California v. Green |
Week 11 |
Tennessee Rules for Evidence (Criminal/Civil) |
Rochin v. California |
Week 12 |
Legal Statistics |
Michigan v. Bryant |
Week 13 |
Trial Prep |
- |
Week 14 |
Trial Prep |
- |
Week 15 |
Benchmark 2, Mock Trial Guidelines |
- |
Week 16 |
Trial Prep |
- |
Week 17 |
--- |
Week 18 |
MOCK TRIAL, Final Exam |
--- |
*****Additional material will be covered relating to current world issues and politics.*****
Teacher Procedures/Expectations:
- You are expected to be in class every day. If you are excessively absent, phone calls/emails home will be made if needed.
- Keep the classroom clean and put classroom supplies back where you found them.
- Please use the restroom during class changes. It is a distraction for you, other students, and the teacher to leave class for the restroom. You will not be able to leave class to go to the restroom unless it is a dire emergency.
- If the teacher has made you aware of a test, which is scheduled on a day you are absent, you have the responsibility to make arrangements the following day before or after school to make the missed test up.
90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D
Below 60% = See me regarding makeup work and tests - but not at the end of the semester!
Benchmark Tests=100 points per test
Weekly Case Briefs=100 points per brief
Projects, Class Participation & Daily Assignments= Grade will vary upon assignment (10-500 points)
Make Up Work:
At the beginning of class on the day you return, you will be expected to turn in any assignments that were collected while you were out. At the end of class, check with me to see what you missed and to pick up handouts, arrange to makeup tests, quizzes, etc. Turn in any missed assignments the next class session. This is your responsibility. Tests and Quizzes will be made up during lunch on the day the teacher assigns.
***A student who has been absent is responsible for all assignments during his or her absence. The assignments should be made up within five days of returning to school.
Classroom Rules
- Be courteous and respectful to those around you. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Be on time to class. Tardiness is very disruptive for you, me, and the other students.
- Bring all needed materials (folder, paper, pen, and assignments) to class every day!
All classroom rules, expectations, policies and procedures must be followed at all times. Failure to follow these rules, expectations, policies and procedures are followed by the following consequences:
1st offense-VERBAL WARNING
Remind App
I will be using the Remind application for reminders on homework, assessments, projects, upcoming dates, and other pertinent information for the class. If you would like to receive alerts for Pre-Law, via text messages, send a text message to 81010. The message should say @cmsprelaw and that will get you set up.