Allyson Hale » 7th Grade Social Studies

7th Grade Social Studies

Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies! My name is Ms. Hale, and I am so excited to have you in my class this school year! To your right, you can find our classroom syllabus, and classroom procedures powerpoint. Below this message, you can find our weekly agenda, and any homework assignments. Students can also access this in Microsoft Teams, where they can find all of our powerpoints and worksheets as well. 
I am looking forward to this school year and can't wait to see what it brings!
Students will need a World History and Geography textbook (given by teacher), lined paper, pencils, pens, colored pencils, binder (must be larger than 1 inch, and must be just for my class, not combined), binder dividers (at least 8), a folder, and index cards.
Thank you in advance for anyone who donates an item! ❤️
Follow this process:
  • Email Ms. Hale and ask her to open the quiz up for you (if you are unable to access it).
  • Then on a word document, answer the following:
    • Write the question number(s) you missed. By each one write this:
      • What was the correct answer?
      • How do you know that is the correct answer?
      • What type of error did you make? (Examples: Working too quickly, didn't study, guessed, etc.)
  • When finished, please email this to Ms. Hale.

Per Semester

1st – Warning

2nd- Warning and parent contact- conference with student

3rd- Referral to Administration for lunch detention

4th- Referral to Administration for after school detention

5th- Referral to Administration for parent conference, possible ISS and further disciplinary action as needed.


** Any student that is late for the 8:00 bell, must have a note from attendance.

"0" and Bolded- The assignment is missing and is still able to be turned in for credit. 
"0" and not bolded- The assignment is missing and the window to turn it in for credit is closed.
"*" The assignment either does not count for a student or has not been graded yet.