Matt Snow » Mr. Matt Snow, AP Human Geography

Mr. Matt Snow, AP Human Geography

Welcome to AP Human Geography - The "WHY of WHERE"
APHuG Exam Scores are in.
Crushed it.
Class Supplies: 
Blue or Black pen 
Paper for notes in any format
Now is the time to purchase an AP Human Geography Study Guide. These are available at bookstores and online. If you purchase a used one, make sure it is dated 2020-2021 or later. There are many good publishers to choose from.
The three most important questions in Human Geography:
Origin: From where did it originate?
Diffusion: How did it get from one place to another?
Distribution: Where is it now?
In APHuG WE TRAVEL! Email me for more information.
SWITZERLAND and ITALY - March 27 - April 7, 2025
PARIS, PROVENCE, and the COTE d'AZUR - October 3-12, 2025
The Main Topics of Study in APHuG: (the bold item is the one currently being discussed)
Maps and basic geographic concepts
Population and demography
Folk and popular culture
Political geography
Urban systems