Adam Brooks, A.P. U.S. Government and A.P. Comparative Government

ATTN ALL AP U.S. GOV Students: I have opened three practice tests (Multiple-Choice ONLY) in AP Classroom. They will be open until the morning of the exam on Monday, May 6th, 2024.



AP U.S. GOVERNMENT After-School Exam Reviews. All Reviews are from 3-4 pm in Brooks' Room.


1) Wednesday, April 10th, 2024: FRQs

Review of how to answer AP U.S. Government FRQs correctly, Students answered question1 (concept analysis) AND question 2 (Quantitative Analysis Question aligned with a graph on presidential elections). This was in "Set 2" of the 2022 FRQs.


Brooks would also recommend doing the following questions as well:

1) 2021, set 1, questions 1 and 2.

2) 2022 Set 2, question 3 (SCOTUS FRQ on McDonald v Chicago).


Click on the link below to access the FRQs, scoring guidelines, and student sample responses.  

AP U.S. Government and Politics Past Exam Questions – AP Central | College Board




2)  Friday, April 12th, 2024:  Congress and Congressional Committees.  


On the Right Side of this page, you will find the Congress Document we used in today's review. BELOW ARE TO LINKS TO VIDEO CLIPS ON THE CONGRESS. WATCH THEM if you want a 4 or a 5!!!!


 Youtube links to video clips on Congress (one from Lamanna and two from Heimler: WATCH ALL THREE)!!! VALUABLE INFO IN BOTH!!!!!!

Baker v Carr Review Video


Shaw v. Reno
3)  Tuesday, April 16th, 2024: The Executive Branch and the Bureaucracy
SEE THREE THE MS Word Docs ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THIS PAGE (Presidency Doc, the Electoral College doc, and the Presidency FRQ DOC)
A) Powers of the President
B) Checks on the President:
C) Expansion of Presidential Power:
D) Federalist 70:
E) The Bureaucracy:

3) Thursday, April 18th, 2024: The Judicial Branch
Download the Judicial Branch Review DOC and the Judicial Branch FRQ on the right side of this page
Judicial Branch Videos:
4) Monday, April 22nd, 2024 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Brooks has put the 15 SL cases document and a MS WORD document of the U.S. Constitution on the right side of this page:
  VIDEO CLIPS for civil liberties and civil rights and  an Argument Essay FRQ link from 2022:
Bill of Rights video clip (Heimler):
Bill of Rights video clip (LaManna)::
Civil Liberties/Civil Rights clip (LaManna):
Civil Liberties/Civil Rights clip (Heimler):
Video Clip (13 minutes) that discusses the salient points in all 15 "Must Know Cases: 
HERE's a Link to the 2022 FRQs. Scroll down to 2022, click on set 1. FRQ #4 is a GREAT example of an argument essay on Civil Rights. Also note that the scoring guidelines and sample responses are there too.
4) Wednesday, April 24th: The Constitution and the Bill of Rights:
    In today's reviewed we used the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to identify and discuss major clauses (supremacy clause, reserved powers, taxing, necessary and proper clause, commerce clause, establishment clause, free exercise clause, the due process clause of the 14th amendment, the equal protection  clause of the 14the amendment, the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment, double jeopardy clause, AND the self-incrementation clause. 
We also discussed the following "must-know amendments": 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10, 12,13,,14,15,17,19,22,2,24,26.
Finally we discussed the Doctrine of Selective incorporation (see the document on this SCOTUS doctrine on the right side of this page.
Video Clips for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights:
Constitution Review Clip (Heimler)
Principles of the Constitution Review Clip (LaManna):
Bill of Rights clip (LaManna):
How to use the Constitution in your Argument Essay FRQ (LaManna)

Class Procedures/Expectations:

  • You are expected to be in class everyday!  AP Government is a comprehensive course, which is content intensive (i.e. there are large quantities of information which are introduced and discussed daily).
  • If the teacher has made you aware of a test, which is scheduled on a day you are absent, you have the responsibility to make arrangements the following day after school or during an open time to make-up the missed test.
  • Please use the restroom during class changes. It is a distraction for you, other students, and the teacher to leave class for the restroom. 
  • Absences


     For the benefit of all students, all assignments, required readings, and tests will be posted on the class calendar. 


Makeup Work:             

At the beginning of class on the day you return, you will be expected to turn in any assignments that were collected while you were out. At the end of class, check with me to see what you missed and to pick up handouts, arrange to make up tests, quizzes, etc. Turn in any missed assignments in the next class session. This is your responsibility. Tests and Quizzes will be made up during CT, during lunch, or after school on the day the teacher assigns.    


***If the student does not contact the teacher for his/her missing work in the time permitted, the student will not receive credit for said assignment. For example: if the child misses two days he/she will have two days to receive make-up work.***



90% - 100% = A         80% - 89% = B           70% - 79% = C           60% - 69% = D

Below 60% = F;  See me regarding makeup work and tests - but not at the end of the semester! Remember Rutherford County Board policy allows a student a maximum of five days to make-up his/her work from the last day of the absence. 


Classroom Rules

  • Be on time for class. Tardiness is very disruptive for you, me, and the other students.
  • Bring paper, pen, textbook, and assignments to class every day.
  • If you are having trouble with any of the material in the course, come to me ASAP and sign up for remediation.



All classroom rules, expectations, policies, and procedures must be followed at all times. Failure to follow these rules, expectations, policies, and procedures are followed by the following consequences:

1st offense-VERBAL WARNING