Class Syllabus
World History Timeline 2024-2025
*These dates are APPROXIMATE. The dates below are not exact: just a timeline of what we will study throughout the year!
Quarter 1 (First Nine Weeks)
- Ch 1 Early Humans and Agricultural Revolution
- Ch 2 Mesopotamia
- Ch 3 Egypt/Phoenicia
Quarter 2 (2nd Nine Weeks)
- Ch 3 Egypt/Kush
- Ch 7 India
- Ch 8 China
**Thanksgiving Break**
**Winter Break**
Quarter 3 (3rd Nine Weeks)
- Ch 5 Greece
- Ch 6 Greece
- Ch 9 Rome
**Spring Break**
Quarter 4 (4th Nine Weeks)
- Ch 9 Rome cont.
- Ch 4 Israel
- Ch 10 Rise of Christianity
- REVIEW & Any Extra Social Studies Class Projects