Essential Skills

What skills does a student need to study Physics successfully?
Physics is a discipline and, as such, it's a matter of training your mind to be prepared for the challenges it will present. Here is some mental training that students will need to successfully study physics.

It is essential that a physics student be proficient with mathematics. Students should be comfortable with mathematical concepts and how to apply them.

Problem-Solving & Scientific Reasoning
Physics students need a general knowledge of how to tackle complex problems and apply logical reasoning to arrive at solutions. It is important for students to train their minds to organize data, look for patterns, and apply information to complex situations. Physics students typically need the ability to apply practical problem-solving to a host of situations and in unfamiliar environments.

Technical Knowledge
Physicists use technological tools, especially computers, to perform measurements and analyze scientific data. As such, students should be adept at learning new systems and using a variety of tools.

Good Study Habits
Even the most brilliant physicist has to study. Since Physics includes a study of the comprehensive nature of the universe, it requires a disciplined approach to make sense of it all. Note-taking, frequent reflection, and connecting concepts help students succeed in a study of physics.

Group Skills
Physics students achieve much more when they work in groups. Combining skills and explaining/expressing ideas allows students to gain from peer review. Lab groups and special projects can improve significantly with effective study partners.

Reality Check
Students of Physics often find it challenges them to exercise a variety of skills in combination. Self-evaluation and skill assessment helps physics students know when to ask for help, when to work harder, and when to redirect efforts.