Daniel Rundberg » AP Macro Assignment Calendar

AP Macro Assignment Calendar

Here you can find my Calendar for the AP Euro course. What we are talking about in class on a given day, and the homework due for that day can also be seen here. 
  • All assignments are due on the day their calendar even is on
      • for example -  "read page 1" event is on January 1
          • you should have read page 1 for class on January 1
          • not read it for the next class
This Calendar can change depending on pacing changes, school closures, instructor illness, or other things beyond anyone's control.
  • If the calendar does change though, it will be updated here ASAP.
  • Any changes will also be announced in class and put on Mr. Rundberg's marker-board in class.
  • If unsure of something, email Mr. Rundberg and I'll be happy to clarify!